Mount Pusuk Buhit

According to Toba Batak mythology, the Age of Si Boru Deak Parujar (the
creatrix of the earth) was followed by the Age of Si Raja Batak (the
first man); the mythic era of the gods was replaced by the historical
era of mankind.

The sacred mountain of the Batak people,
Mount Pusuk Buhit, symbolically forms both a boundary and a connection
between the seven generations of deities that descended from Si Boru
Deak Parujar and the mortal human descendants of the first man, Si Raja
Batak, who founded the first Batak settlement of Sianjurmulamula at the
foot of this sacred mountain.

Legend tells us that when Mulajadi Na Bolon descended to Pusuk Buhit
for the final time, he brought two sacred books (pustaha) which he
bestowed upon Si Raja Batak. The first book was called the Pustaha
Agong (The Great Book) which was a tome offering spiritual and
metaphysical guidance as well as instructions into the sciences of
medicine and sacred magic. The second book dealt with matters relating
to good governance and politically related issues. The first book was
bequeathed to the eldest son of Si Raja Batak, Guru Tateabulan, and his
descendants. The second book was bestowed upon the second son of Si
Raja Batak, Si Raja Isumbaon, and his descendants. These two descent
groups formed an essential moiety in Batak society that can still be
traced to this day through traditional geneology (tarambo). These two
pustaha (sacred books) are considered to be the source for the
traditional religious concepts and customary law (adat) of the Batak
peoples. This customary law was the basis for the formation of the
first Batak village, Sianjurmulamula, which was founded at the foot of
Mount Pusuk Buhit.

There are many sites in the vicinity of Pusuk Buhit that are intimately
associated with the myths and early history of the Toba Batak people.
Places such as Batu Hobon, Batu Pargasipan, Sianjurmulamula, Aek
Sipaulak Hosa, Mual Siboru Pareme, Aek Sipitu Dai, and Hariara Lontung
are all considered sacred places and are of great cultural and
historical value. Although these places are considered to be sacred,
and each have fascinating mythical stories relating to them, they can
be visited by the adventurous tourist.

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